Westways Primary School

School Meals

Long established education caterers, Taylor Shaw are proud to serve freshly made school meals on site for our pupils, under the Food for Life Bronze Award.  Taylor Shaw have become one of the UK’s leading specialist caterers in the primary education sector, using fresh and local produce to build a positive food culture amongst pupils, including fun theme days and food education events to contribute to the welfare of the young people in their learning environment.

With quality and wellbeing at the heart of the service, Taylor Shaw are committed to providing pupils with an exciting menu, tailored to the palettes and dietary requirements of our pupils.  From field to fork, the menu available on site offers innovative yet responsibly sourced, seasonal ingredients from local suppliers with support from Taylor Shaw’s creative food development team.

Our pupils are served by our dedicated catering team of passionate food-lovers that pride themselves on a truly personal service that is compliant and nutritious, backed by the team of Taylor Shaw dieticians, Gemma Ewen, Hannah Allan and Hannah Dobson.

Meet the Team FAB4, our four superhero mascots that champion food education and use their food superpowers to bring food to life, to encourage children to try different foods and to understand where food comes from and why it is good for them to eat!

To view our new menu starting from November 2024 click here.

Could your child be entitled to free school meals?  Click here to apply and then return the form to the school office.

For more information visit www.taylorshaw.com or contact the team at feedback@taylorshaw.com

School Milk

School milk is provided by a company called Cool Milk.  If you wish to order milk, please register via: www.coolmilk.com and select the ‘Register your child for milk here’ option on the main home page.  This is in place of paying directly to the school. 

After registration, you may then make a pre-payment via your online account for the remaining half term, term or academic year.  You can also simply choose your own specified amount, should you wish to do so.  Payments must be made by 5pm on a Tuesday in order to receive milk the following week.

Please register with Cool Milk regardless of whether your child is under or over 5 years of age.  Just before your child reaches the age of 5, Cool Milk will contact parents/carers to ask whether you wish your child to continue to receive milk in order that you can make the necessary payment.

If your child is entitled to free school meals, your child is also entitled to receive free milk.  You do not need to register, however, if you do not wish your child to receive milk, please let the office know or email enquiries@westways.sheffield.sch.uk

All information handled by Cool Milk is processed in accordance with current Data Protection Legislation. The data will be stored securely on Cool Milk’s UK-based servers and will not be passed to third parties other than to UK Government departments for audit purposes.

Should you have any queries regarding your child’s registration or milk supply in general, please do not hesitate to contact Cool Milk directly on 0800 321 3248 or via email to customerservices@coolmilk.com.

Allergy Aware

You may have been previously informed that, as a school, we are ‘Nut Free’.  Upon seeking advice from various agencies including Sheffield Public Health and Allergy UK we would like to inform parents that we are ‘Allergy Aware’.  This is because nuts are only one of many allergens that affect pupils in our school and no school can absolutely guarantee an allergen free environment.  Each of these agencies advocates that strong practice around allergy awareness is safer for pupils as it prepares them for how to manage their allergy in less controlled conditions and avoids complacency around the potential presence of allergens in the environment.

What does this mean for my child?

  • Nuts and all products which contain nuts must not be sent to school as a snack or as part of a child’s lunch.
  • If a staff member notices nut products in a pupil’s lunch or snack, they will take the product and return it at the end of the school day.  They will also, if necessary, supplement the pupil’s lunch or snack with an alternative.
  • We are asking that no food products are sent into school to celebrate special occasions such as birthdays or religious feasts.  We appreciate the kind intent behind these gestures however, with the increasing number of pupils with severe allergies as well as those who avoid certain food groups on the ground of their personal or religious beliefs it is becoming increasingly difficult for teachers to manage this safely.  From Monday 18th March, any whole class food based rewards that are sent to school will be returned to parents.

Thank you for your continued support in keeping all pupils who attend Westways safe.