Westways Primary School

Home Learning

At Westways we believe that purposeful, relevant home learning can play a valuable part in a child’s education.  We do though recognise that pupils work hard in school and should be encouraged to develop other skills and interests out of school time; they also need the opportunity to play, socialise and relax.  Home learning is designed though to support and reinforce learning.  As staff, we give careful consideration to making home learning suitable and well balanced across the school.

Please click here to view our Home Learning Policy.

Remote Education

Please click here for information about our remote education provision.

We have created a Google Classroom exclusively for each class to set home learning tasks for parents/carers and their child to access at home.

To sign in and access the free service ‘Google Classroom’ (https://classroom.google.com/), pupils use their own individual Google account created by school - parents/carers have a received a letter with these details.

It is important that remote education is conducted in a safe manner - please click here to view our remote education guidance for pupils and parents/carers.

If you encounter any difficulties accessing Google Classroom, please use the following guides for support:

Alternatively, please contact school via email at enquiries@westways.sheffield.sch.uk for further assistance.


Please click here to view guidance for parents/carers on how to use MyMaths.

Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) Support Resources:

Click the links below to view news items that were produced using the EEF support resources:

Other useful home learning resources/links: