Westways Primary School

Friends of Westways (PTA)

Friends of Westways logo

What is Friends of Westways? 

Friends of Westways is a registered charity (no. 1042633) that aims to support the school experience of every child at Westways. We raise money for extra activities and equipment and contribute to the Westways community of staff, children, parents and carers. Our activities are sociable and fun and a good way to meet other parents/carers.

How can I get involved?

All parents/carers and staff of the school are automatically members of Friends of Westways.  You are always welcome to attend our meetings or share your thoughts and ideas with us informally.  You can also contact a member of the executive committee by emailing friendsofwestwayspta@gmail.com or just talk to us in the playground.  Friends of Westways has a webshop at friendsofwestways.co.uk, where we periodically sell items - or you can make a donation at any time. 

Contact Friends of Westways

Email: friendsofwestwayspta@gmail.com

Free Fundraising Opportunity for Online Shoppers

You can help raise FREE donations for a good cause just by doing your usual online shopping! All you have to do is sign up to support Friends of Westways Primary School on #easyfundraising. Then 4,000 shops and sites will donate for FREE every time you shop with them.
Plus, if you sign up with the following link, #easyfundraising will match the first £5 you raise for FREE! Visit: https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/fowestways/?invite=APJHXS&referral-campaign=s2s

You can also support Friends of Westways for free through Smile.Amazon.co.uk

Peter Gill Legacy

In 2018 the Friends of Westways was bequeathed £100,000 in the will of a former pupil, Peter Gill.

Peter, from Fulwood, had attended Westways as a boy, and stipulated he wished the money to be spent on 'sports equipment, computers, books and drama'.  The money is now held in trust, and managed by Friends of Westways on behalf of the school.

In 2019, an initial instalment of £30,000 was released to fund a new computer suite in the Western building.  For seven subsequent years, the sum of £10,000 a year will be released.  This will be spent on maintaining the technology in the computer suite and funding other improvements identified by the school.

The £10,000 installment for 2022 was put towards upgrading the astroturf on the perimeter of the Mona playground.  In 2023, the £10,000 is contributing towards a new trim trail on the Mona playground.  For 2024, it is proposed that the installment will help fund enhancing the two green spaces on the Western playground.

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